Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011, Here I come!!

First and foremost, I want to give a HUGE shout out to AXEL ALONSO, who was recently promoted to Editor-in-Chief at Marvel Comics. Best way to kick off the year. That guys' one of the hardest working editors I can think of, and he definitely deserves it.

As for me, my 2010 was pretty good. Finished a lot of commissions, made it to more conventions, met my all time comic idol, officially became an official member of a studio, moved to an awesome apartment from a not so awesome apartment, and gained an awesome girlfriend! Now it's time to make 2011 my year. My only goal is to get published by a major publisher. Also maybe to start working out again.... Unfortunately my amazing washboard abs from my High school boxing and band days are slowly disappearing due to sittin on my butt and drawing 24/7.

That's all for now. Stay tuned folks. This years gonna be an exciting one!!


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