Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Big Con Job issue #4

...IS out, which completes the series. Had a lot of fun with it. One thing I think I love most about it was the creative freedom Brady and Palmiotti allowed me in almost every aspect of the book. Character designs, layout, style, all were very much my own with little to no notes or changes behind the initial script and descriptions. My Boom editors were also the best ever!! Hope I get to work with them again in the future! Anyways enough of my yammering, LETS SEE SOME PAGES!

Here's the original inks for the first 5 pages


Then after the coloring by the great Paul Little, and lettering, here's the final product of the same pages

Also feel free to Follow my on instagram and twitter both @Domostanton where I'll be posting more in progress shots and upcoming projects! Hope you guys dig the series! Until next time!


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